Djembe is one of the oldest percussion instruments originally invented in West Africa and is known for its versatile sound. The word Djembe translates to “everyone gathers together in peace”. This instrument plays an important role in the spiritual and ritual life of West Africans for many generations.

The power of Djembe on our being and our communities:
The benefits of drumming that have been mentioned below have been collated from authenticated years of research. Djembe therapeutically helps in stimulating cognitive functions like perception, attention, and memory and group drumming especially reduces the experience of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.
- Induces Happiness and a heightened sense of well-being
- Induces deep relaxation.
- Helps control chronic pain.
- Boosts your immune system.
- Creates a sense of connectedness.
- Aligns your body and mind with the natural world.
- Releases negative feelings.
- Allows for personal transformation.
- Higher Self-Esteem
- Active Listening
- Helps in developing confidence and assertion
- Improve the way you work in a team
- Improve Concentration and the Ability to Focus
- Improve short term memory
- Improve left and right- hand coordination.
What is a drum circle?
A drum circle is an activity where a group of people come together in a circle and, led by a facilitator, drum, sing, and create music together using a wide range of percussion instruments. A facilitator or moderator acts to shape the experience through coordinated actions, such as helping to maintain a steady beat, helping those who need it, and generally managing the environment to see that everyone can participate fully. The participants make up the music as they go along, using their listening and playing skills to make musical connections and express themselves in all ways that feel right.
The power of drum circles
- Brings together communities, allowing for personal and collective transformation.
- It energizes and leads to well-being
- Drumming releases negative feelings and helps in attaining a state of deep relaxation
- Boosts confidence and creates a sense of synchrony with oneself and their community
- Improves communication skills, helps in team building, reduction of stress and anxiety.
- Boosts your immune system
- Improves Self-Esteem