
We specialize in team building workshops, team building drumming and drumming circles, product launches, all corporate events for businesses, companies, and organizations. Yogathalam also believes that each company/organization has a unique need in terms of the types of skill-building activities for their employees as well as practices that they want to incorporate in their organization for overall growth and development.  

  • Our specially trained facilitators will provide interactive experiences that will motivate and inspire your team
  • As a team gets connected, all forms of blockades are broken down, they all unite together with the common goal of growing together.


Benefits of Drumming

  • Increased team cooperation
  • Developing better interpersonal communication skills
  • Creating awareness and listening skills
  • Uplifting energy thereby increases the ability to concentrate
  • Develops creative thinking
  • Emphasis on the power of the team but also the importance of the individual
  • Helps in the Release of stress and brings about harmony
  • Transcending differences such as gender, age, and ethnicity
  • And especially, it is fun and accessible
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Corporate Events and Entertainment

The Yogathalam team provides team-building events to provide a highly engaging, thoughtful, and interactive experience to help in the unity and growth of your team. The services that we offer can be tailor-made to all types of events and we offer sessions that will focus on the growth and development of your team with entertaining sessions.

Our services are perfect for

  • Conferences and corporate functions
  • Product launches and promotions
  • Training sessions
  • Seminars
  • Client functions
  • Team building and leadership days or retreats
  • Stress reduction or conflict resolution programs
  • Leadership development
  • New year parties
  • Festival celebrations 
  • Motivational workshops
  • End of financial year parties
  • And any other special events

Benefits of Drumming

Drumming is proven to have powerful healing characteristics and brings about holistic well-being in individuals as well as communities. It helps in relieving stress and helps to establish bonding and a sense of oneness. 

  • Group drumming helps create a  real sense of community within any group from businesses of any size. 
  • Drumming brings people together helping in team building and developing better communication skills between team members.
  • Drumming helps in reducing burnout and exhaustion
  • It helps in developing essential skills for leadership, better communication.
  • It helps in developing important interpersonal skills for growth and development.